Joe and Matthew explore the results of an experiment using ChatGPT technology to curate contemporary art shows. Sharpen that pencil and get your notepad ready: Three concepts and batches of artists for shows are fleshed out – all using AI. Joe offers up the Brain Fuzz Audio Pick of the Day. Mores in karaoke culture […]
Institutional Critique
Institutional Fatigue
Joe and Matthew discuss both positive and negative museum experiences, paving the way for a wider discussion of recent events in the contemporary art world. An arts reading assignment continues. The Brain Fuzz news segment returns, and an arts-related experiment is teased. (Un)required Resources For This Episode SCAD Museum of Art Mika Rottenberg at […]
. . . And We’re Back
In their triumphant return for a fourth season, Joe and Matthew review an art review, discuss some shows, and hit some high points of a cultural fact-finding mission. Trends in interior decorating are touched upon. Summer arts reading is referenced. Matthew takes the Brain Fuzz Audio Pick of the Day. (Un)required Resources Review by Ben […]
Stuart Horodner At The Temporary Art Center | Episode 52
Curator and Director of the University of Kentucky Art Museum, Stuart Horodner, joins Joe and Matthew on opening night of the Temporary Art Center. A repeat Brain Fuzzer, Stuart shares insights on how projects like the Temporary Art Center come together and why artists often need channels like pop-up shows. Questions are fielded from the […]
Well, It’s Temporary . . . | Episode 50
In this brief episode, Joe and Matthew meet up again with artist Scott Ingram to observe their 50th episode milestone and announce a residency at the Temporary Art Center. It is exactly what it sounds like: A temporary project – a kind of pop up on speed – organized by Scott, and the scope is […]
Gregory Harris And Geometric Dislocation | Episode 49
Curator of photography Gregory Harris joins Joe and Matthew at a special location to talk curation, types of photography, museum culture, and the ins and outs of such institutional challenges as wall text. Specifically, they examine social documentary and the differences among related genres. Technology shifts across decades are put into context. “Film vs Digital” is observed as […]