The Brain Fuzz art podcast grew organically from the conversations between two people that create and consume art. The idea started with conversations among some really interesting people in art and around dinner or drinks. From there, Joe Camoosa and Matthew White worked on recording those conversations to capture the casual feel and natural flow of conversation – rather than the often sterile interviews or academic discussions that are so common in the arts.
Many of the early episodes purposefully captured the ambiance – and yes, noise – of low-tech recording in a more intimate atmosphere.

What’s It About? Well, Arts, Music, Culture . . . And The Creativity Behind It All
Around 60+ episodes ago, these words were committed to memory card:
So we’re thinking about doing a podcast . . .
The conversations tend to be about making art, appreciating art, and the things that happen along the journey. In the beginning, they were even about the very process of putting together a podcast.
Dozens of guests later, the topics have included bands, the creative process, visual art exhibitions, travel, vinyl record collections, studio set up and maintenance . . . and whatever else might come up.
In short, it tends to be about creativity and creative people with a heavy focus on visual art and music. And, we’ll refer to that whatever else bit as culture.
Available Anywhere Fine Podcasts Are Distributed
Find Brain Fuzz on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Podfriend, and Stitcher. And, you can always listen at
When searching for us, always be sure to search “Brain Fuzz.” That’s two words.